Electronic mail, or more commonly email, has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet. Before 1990, it was mostly used in academia. During the 1990s, it became known to the public at large and grew exponentially, to the point where the number of emails sent per day now is vastly more than the number of snail mail (i.e., paper) letters. Other forms of network communication, such as instant messaging and voice-over-IP calls have expanded greatly in use over the past decade, but email remains the workhorse of Internet communication. It is widely used within industry for intracompany communication, for example, to allow far-flung employees all over the world to cooperate on complex projects. Unfortunately, like paper mail, the majority of email—some 9 out of 10 messages—is junk mail or spam (McAfee, 2010).

Email, like most other forms of communication, has developed its own conventions and styles. It is very informal and has a low threshold of use. People who would never dream of calling up or even writing a letter to a Very Important Person do not hesitate for a second to send a sloppily written email to him or her. By eliminating most cues associated with rank, age, and gender, email debates often focus on content, not status. With email, a brilliant idea from a summer student can have more impact than a dumb one from an executive vice president.

The email protocols have evolved during the period of their use, too. The first email systems simply consisted of file transfer protocols, with the convention that the first line of each message (i.e., file) contained the recipient’s address. As time went on, email diverged from file transfer and many features were added, such as the ability to send one message to a list of recipients. Multimedia capabilities became important in the 1990s to send messages with images and other non-text material. Programs for reading email became much more sophisticated too, shifting from text-based to graphical user interfaces and adding the ability for users to access their mail from their laptops wherever they happen to be. Finally, with the prevalence of spam, mail readers and the mail transfer protocols must now pay attention to finding and removing unwanted email.

In our description of email, we will focus on the way that mail messages are moved between users, rather than the look and feel of mail reader programs. Nevertheless, after describing the overall architecture, we will begin with the user-facing part of the email system, as it is familiar to most readers.

Architecture and Services

In this section, we will provide an overview of how email systems are organized and what they can do. The architecture of the email system is shown in Fig. 7-7. It consists of two kinds of subsystems: the user agents, which allow people to read and send email, and the message transfer agents, which move the messages from the source to the destination. We will also refer to message transfer agents informally as mail servers.


The user agent is a program that provides a graphical interface, or sometimes a text- and command-based interface that lets users interact with the email system. It includes a means to compose messages and replies to messages, display incoming messages, and organize messages by filing, searching, and discarding them. The act of sending new messages into the mail system for delivery is called mail submission.

Some of the user agent processing may be done automatically, anticipating what the user wants. For example, incoming mail may be filtered to extract or deprioritize messages that are likely spam. Some user agents include advanced features, such as arranging for automatic email responses (‘‘I’m having a wonderful vacation and it will be a while before I get back to you’’). A user agent runs on the same computer on which a user reads her mail. It is just another program and may be run only some of the time.

The message transfer agents are typically system processes. They run in the background on mail server machines and are intended to be always available. Their job is to automatically move email through the system from the originator to the recipient with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This is the message transfer step.

SMTP was originally specified as RFC 821 and revised to become the current RFC 5321. It sends mail over connections and reports back the delivery status and any errors. Numerous applications exist in which confirmation of delivery is important and may even have legal significance (‘‘Well, Your Honor, my email system is just not very reliable, so I guess the electronic subpoena just got lost somewhere’’).

Message transfer agents also implement mailing lists, in which an identical copy of a message is delivered to everyone on a list of email addresses. Other advanced features are carbon copies, blind carbon copies, high-priority email, secret (i.e., encrypted) email, alternative recipients if the primary one is not currently available, and the ability for assistants to read and answer their bosses’ email.

Linking user agents and message transfer agents are the concepts of mailboxes and a standard format for email messages. Mailboxes store the email that is received for a user. They are maintained by mail servers. User agents simply present users with a view of the contents of their mailboxes. To do this, the user agents send the mail servers commands to manipulate the mailboxes, inspecting their contents, deleting messages, and so on. The retrieval of mail is the final delivery (step 3) in Fig. 7-7. With this architecture, one user may use different user agents on multiple computers to access one mailbox.

Mail is sent between message transfer agents in a standard format. The original format, RFC 822, has been revised to the current RFC 5322 and extended with support for multimedia content and international text. This scheme is called MIME and will be discussed later. People still refer to Internet email as RFC 822, though.

A key idea in the message format is the distinction between the envelope and its contents. The envelope encapsulates the message. It contains all the information needed for transporting the message, such as the destination address, priority, and security level, all of which are distinct from the message itself. The message transport agents use the envelope for routing, just as the post office does.

The message inside the envelope consists of two separate parts: the header and the body. The header contains control information for the user agents. The body is entirely for the human recipient. None of the agents care much about it. Envelopes and messages are illustrated in Fig. 7-8.


We will examine the pieces of this architecture in more detail by looking at the steps that are involved in sending email from one user to another. This journey starts with the user agent.

The User Agent

A user agent is a program (sometimes called an email reader) that accepts a variety of commands for composing, receiving, and replying to messages, as well as for manipulating mailboxes. There are many popular user agents, including Google gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Apple Mail. They can vary greatly in their appearance. Most user agents have a menu- or icondriven graphical interface that requires a mouse, or a touch interface on smaller mobile devices. Older user agents, such as Elm, mh, and Pine, provide text-based interfaces and expect one-character commands from the keyboard. Functionally, these are the same, at least for text messages.

The typical elements of a user agent interface are shown in Fig. 7-9. Your mail reader is likely to be much flashier, but probably has equivalent functions.

When a user agent is started, it will usually present a summary of the messages in the user’s mailbox. Often, the summary will have one line for each message in some sorted order. It highlights key fields of the message that are extracted from the message envelope or header.


Seven summary lines are shown in the example of Fig. 7-9. The lines use the From, Subject, and Received fields, in that order, to display who sent the message, what it is about, and when it was received. All the information is formatted in a user-friendly way rather than displaying the literal contents of the message fields, but it is based on the message fields. Thus, people who fail to include a Subject field often discover that responses to their emails tend not to get the highest priority.

Many other fields or indications are possible. The icons next to the message subjects in Fig. 7-9 might indicate, for example, unread mail (the envelope), attached material (the paperclip), and important mail, at least as judged by the sender (the exclamation point).

Many sorting orders are also possible. The most common is to order messages based on the time that they were received, most recent first, with some indication as to whether the message is new or has already been read by the user. The fields in the summary and the sort order can be customized by the user according to her preferences.

User agents must also be able to display incoming messages as needed so that people can read their email. Often a short preview of a message is provided, as in Fig. 7-9, to help users decide when to read further. Previews may use small icons or images to describe the contents of the message. Other presentation processing includes reformatting messages to fit the display, and translating or converting contents to more convenient formats (e.g., digitized speech to recognized text).

After a message has been read, the user can decide what to do with it. This is called message disposition. Options include deleting the message, sending a reply, forwarding the message to another user, and keeping the message for later reference. Most user agents can manage one mailbox for incoming mail with multiple folders for saved mail. The folders allow the user to save message according to sender, topic, or some other category.

Filing can be done automatically by the user agent as well, before the user reads the messages. A common example is that the fields and contents of messages are inspected and used, along with feedback from the user about previous messages, to determine if a message is likely to be spam. Many ISPs and companies run software that labels mail as important or spam so that the user agent can file it in the corresponding mailbox. The ISP and company have the advantage of seeing mail for many users and may have lists of known spammers. If hundreds of users have just received a similar message, it is probably spam. By presorting incoming mail as ‘‘probably legitimate’’ and ‘‘probably spam,’’ the user agent can save users a fair amount of work separating the good stuff from the junk.

And the most popular spam? It is generated by collections of compromised computers called botnets and its content depends on where you live. Fake diplomas are topical in Asia, and cheap drugs and other dubious product offers are topical in the U.S. Unclaimed Nigerian bank accounts still abound. Pills for enlarging various body parts are common everywhere.

Other filing rules can be constructed by users. Each rule specifies a condition and an action. For example, a rule could say that any message received from the boss goes to one folder for immediate reading and any message from a particular mailing list goes to another folder for later reading. Several folders are shown in Fig. 7-9. The most important folders are the Inbox, for incoming mail not filed elsewhere, and Junk Mail, for messages that are thought to be spam.

As well as explicit constructs like folders, user agents now provide rich capabilities to search the mailbox. This feature is also shown in Fig. 7-9. Search capabilities let users find messages quickly, such as the message about ‘‘where to buy Vegemite’’ that someone sent in the last month.

Email has come a long way from the days when it was just file transfer. Providers now routinely support mailboxes with up to 1 GB of stored mail that details a user’s interactions over a long period of time. The sophisticated mail handling of user agents with search and automatic forms of processing is what makes it possible to manage these large volumes of email. For people who send and receive thousands of messages a year, these tools are invaluable.

Another useful feature is the ability to automatically respond to messages in some way. One response is to forward incoming email to a different address, for example, a computer operated by a commercial paging service that pages the user by using radio or satellite and displays the Subject: line on his pager. These autoresponders must run in the mail server because the user agent may not run all the time and may only occasionally retrieve email. Because of these factors, the user agent cannot provide a true automatic response. However, the interface for automatic responses is usually presented by the user agent.

A different example of an automatic response is a vacation agent. This is a program that examines each incoming message and sends the sender an insipid reply such as: ‘‘Hi. I’m on vacation. I’ll be back on the 24th of August. Talk to you then.’’ Such replies can also specify how to handle urgent matters in the interim, other people to contact for specific problems, etc. Most vacation agents keep track of whom they have sent canned replies to and refrain from sending the same person a second reply. There are pitfalls with these agents, however. For example, it is not advisable to send a canned reply to a large mailing list

Let us now turn to the scenario of one user sending a message to another user. One of the basic features user agents support that we have not yet discussed is mail composition. It involves creating messages and answers to messages and sending these messages into the rest of the mail system for delivery. Although any text editor can be used to create the body of the message, editors are usually integrated with the user agent so that it can provide assistance with addressing and the numerous header fields attached to each message. For example, when answering a message, the email system can extract the originator’s address from the incoming email and automatically insert it into the proper place in the reply. Other common features are appending a signature block to the bottom of a message, correcting spelling, and computing digital signatures that show the message is valid.

Messages that are sent into the mail system have a standard format that must be created from the information supplied to the user agent. The most important part of the message for transfer is the envelope, and the most important part of the envelope is the destination address. This address must be in a format that the message transfer agents can deal with.

The expected form of an address is user@dns-address. Since we studied DNS earlier in this chapter, we will not repeat that material here. However, it is worth noting that other forms of addressing exist. In particular, X.400 addresses look radically different from DNS addresses.

X.400 is an ISO standard for message-handling systems that was at one time a competitor to SMTP. SMTP won out handily, though X.400 systems are still used, mostly outside of the U.S. X.400 addresses are composed of attribute=value pairs separated by slashes, for example,


This address specifies a country, state, locality, personal address, and common name (Ken Smith). Many other attributes are possible, so you can send email to someone whose exact email address you do not know, provided you know enough other attributes (e.g., company and job title).

Although X.400 names are considerably less convenient than DNS names, the issue is moot for user agents because they have user-friendly aliases (sometimes called nicknames) that allow users to enter or select a person’s name and get the correct email address. Consequently, it is usually not necessary to actually type in these strange strings .

A final point we will touch on for sending mail is mailing lists, which let users send the same message to a list of people with a single command. There are two choices for how the mailing list is maintained. It might be maintained locally, by the user agent. In this case, the user agent can just send a separate message to each intended recipient.

Alternatively, the list may be maintained remotely at a message transfer agent. Messages will then be expanded in the message transfer system, which has the effect of allowing multiple users to send to the list. For example, if a group of bird watchers has a mailing list called birders installed on the transfer agent meadowlark.arizona.edu, any message sent to birders@meadowlark.arizona.edu will be routed to the University of Arizona and expanded into individual messages to all the mailing list members, wherever in the world they may be. Users of this mailing list cannot tell that it is a mailing list. It could just as well be the personal mailbox of Prof. Gabriel O. Birders.


Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: In theory at least, a single name server could contain the entire DNS database and respond to all queries about it. In practice, this server would be so overloaded as to be useless. Furthermore, if it ever went down, the entire Internet would be crippled. view more..
Ans: Having finished all the preliminaries, we now come to the layer where all the applications are found. The layers below the application layer are there to provide transport services, but they do not do real work for users. In this chapter, we will study some real network applications. view more..
Ans: We will finish this chapter by describing a new kind of transport that may one day be an important component of the Internet. TCP and most other transport protocols are based on the assumption that the sender and the receiver are continuously connected by some working path, or else the protocol fails and data cannot be delivered. view more..
Ans: Electronic mail, or more commonly email, has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet. Before 1990, it was mostly used in academia. view more..
Ans: Now we turn from the user interface to the format of the email messages themselves. Messages sent by the user agent must be placed in a standard format to be handled by the message transfer agents. view more..
Ans: Now that we have described user agents and mail messages, we are ready to look at how the message transfer agents relay messages from the originator to the recipient. The mail transfer is done with the SMTP protocol. view more..
Ans: Our mail message is almost delivered. It has arrived at Bob’s mailbox. All that remains is to transfer a copy of the message to Bob’s user agent for display. This is step 3 in the architecture of Fig. 7-7. This task was straightforward in the early Internet, when the user agent and mail transfer agent ran on the same machine as different processes. view more..
Ans: The Web, as the World Wide Web is popularly known, is an architectural framework for accessing linked content spread out over millions of machines all over the Internet. view more..
Ans: The basis of the Web is transferring Web pages from server to client. In the simplest form, Web pages are static. That is, they are just files sitting on some server that present themselves in the same way each time they are fetched and viewed. view more..
Ans: The static page model we have used so far treats pages as multimedia documents that are conveniently linked together. It was a fitting model in the early days of the Web, as vast amounts of information were put online. view more..
Ans: Now that we have an understanding of Web content and applications, it is time to look at the protocol that is used to transport all this information between Web servers and clients. It is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), as specified in RFC 2616. view more..
Ans: The Web is used from most every type of computer, and that includes mobile phones. Browsing the Web over a wireless network while mobile can be very useful. It also presents technical problems because much Web content was designed for flashy presentations on desktop computers with broadband connectivity. view more..
Ans: Web applications and the mobile Web are not the only exciting developments in the use of networks. For many people, audio and video are the holy grail of networking. When the word ‘‘multimedia’’ is mentioned, both the propellerheads and the suits begin salivating as if on cue. view more..
Ans: Now that we know all about the ear, it is time to move on to the eye. (No, this section is not followed by one on the nose.) The human eye has the property that when an image appears on the retina, the image is retained for some number of milliseconds before decaying. If a sequence of images is drawn at 50 images/sec, the eye does not notice that it is looking at discrete images. All video systems exploit this principle to produce moving pictures. view more..
Ans: Let us now move on to network applications. Our first case is streaming media that is already stored in files. The most common example of this is watching videos over the Internet view more..
Ans: It is not only recorded videos that are tremendously popular on the Web. Live media streaming is very popular too. Once it became possible to stream audio and video over the Internet, commercial radio and TV stations got the idea of broadcasting their content over the Internet as well as over the air. view more..
Ans: Once upon a time, voice calls were carried over the public switched telephone network, and network traffic was primarily voice traffic, with a little bit of data traffic here and there. Then came the Internet, and the Web. view more..
Ans: he Internet used to be all about communication, like the telephone network. Early on, academics would communicate with remote machines, logging in over the network to perform tasks. People have used email to communicate with each other for a long time, and now use video and voice over IP as well. view more..

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