Message Formats

Now we turn from the user interface to the format of the email messages themselves. Messages sent by the user agent must be placed in a standard format to be handled by the message transfer agents. First we will look at basic ASCII email using RFC 5322, which is the latest revision of the original Internet message format as described in RFC 822. After that, we will look at multimedia extensions to the basic format.

RFC 5322—The Internet Message Format

Messages consist of a primitive envelope (described as part of SMTP in RFC 5321), some number of header fields, a blank line, and then the message body. Each header field (logically) consists of a single line of ASCII text containing the field name, a colon, and, for most fields, a value. The original RFC 822 was designed decades ago and did not clearly distinguish the envelope fields from the header fields. Although it has been revised to RFC 5322, completely redoing it was not possible due to its widespread usage. In normal usage, the user agent builds a message and passes it to the message transfer agent, which then uses some of the header fields to construct the actual envelope, a somewhat oldfashioned mixing of message and envelope.

The principal header fields related to message transport are listed in Fig. 7-10. The To: field gives the DNS address of the primary recipient. Having multiple recipients is also allowed. The Cc: field gives the addresses of any secondary recipients. In terms of delivery, there is no distinction between the primary and secondary recipients. It is entirely a psychological difference that may be important to the people involved but is not important to the mail system. The term Cc: (Carbon copy) is a bit dated, since computers do not use carbon paper, but it is well established. The Bcc: (Blind carbon copy) field is like the Cc: field, except that this line is deleted from all the copies sent to the primary and secondary recipients. This feature allows people to send copies to third parties without the primary and secondary recipients knowing this.


The next two fields, From: and Sender:, tell who wrote and sent the message, respectively. These need not be the same. For example, a business executive may write a message, but her assistant may be the one who actually transmits it. In this case, the executive would be listed in the From: field and the assistant in the Sender: field. The From: field is required, but the Sender: field may be omitted if it is the same as the From: field. These fields are needed in case the message is undeliverable and must be returned to the sender.

A line containing Received: is added by each message transfer agent along the way. The line contains the agent’s identity, the date and time the message was received, and other information that can be used for debugging the routing system. The Return-Path: field is added by the final message transfer agent and was intended to tell how to get back to the sender. In theory, this information can be gathered from all the Received: headers (except for the name of the sender’s mailbox), but it is rarely filled in as such and typically just contains the sender’s address.

In addition to the fields of Fig. 7-10, RFC 5322 messages may also contain a variety of header fields used by the user agents or human recipients. The most common ones are listed in Fig. 7-11. Most of these are self-explanatory, so we will not go into all of them in much detail.


The Reply-To: field is sometimes used when neither the person composing the message nor the person sending the message wants to see the reply. For example, a marketing manager may write an email message telling customers about a new product. The message is sent by an assistant, but the Reply-To: field lists the head of the sales department, who can answer questions and take orders. This field is also useful when the sender has two email accounts and wants the reply to go to the other one.

The Message-Id: is an automatically generated number that is used to link messages together (e.g., when used in the In-Reply-To: field) and to prevent duplicate delivery.

The RFC 5322 document explicitly says that users are allowed to invent optional headers for their own private use. By convention since RFC 822, these headers start with the string X-. It is guaranteed that no future headers will use names starting with X-, to avoid conflicts between official and private headers. Sometimes wiseguy undergraduates make up fields like X-Fruit-of-the-Day: or X-Disease-of-the-Week:, which are legal, although not always illuminating.

After the headers comes the message body. Users can put whatever they want here. Some people terminate their messages with elaborate signatures, including quotations from greater and lesser authorities, political statements, and disclaimers of all kinds (e.g., The XYZ Corporation is not responsible for my opinions; in fact, it cannot even comprehend them).

MIME—The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

In the early days of the ARPANET, email consisted exclusively of text messages written in English and expressed in ASCII. For this environment, the early RFC 822 format did the job completely: it specified the headers but left the content entirely up to the users. In the 1990s, the worldwide use of the Internet and demand to send richer content through the mail system meant that this approach was no longer adequate. The problems included sending and receiving messages in languages with accents (e.g., French and German), non-Latin alphabets (e.g., Hebrew and Russian), or no alphabets (e.g., Chinese and Japanese), as well as sending messages not containing text at all (e.g., audio, images, or binary documents and programs).

The solution was the development of MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). It is widely used for mail messages that are sent across the Internet, as well as to describe content for other applications such as Web browsing. MIME is described in RFCs 2045–2047, 4288, 4289, and 2049.

The basic idea of MIME is to continue to use the RFC 822 format (the precursor to RFC 5322 the time MIME was proposed) but to add structure to the message body and define encoding rules for the transfer of non-ASCII messages. Not deviating from RFC 822 allowed MIME messages to be sent using the existing mail transfer agents and protocols (based on RFC 821 then, and RFC 5321 now). All that had to be changed were the sending and receiving programs, which users could do for themselves.

MIME defines five new message headers, as shown in Fig. 7-12. The first of these simply tells the user agent receiving the message that it is dealing with a MIME message, and which version of MIME it uses. Any message not containing a MIME-Version: header is assumed to be an English plaintext message (or at least one using only ASCII characters) and is processed as such.


The Content-Description: header is an ASCII string telling what is in the message. This header is needed so the recipient will know whether it is worth decoding and reading the message. If the string says ‘‘Photo of Barbara’s hamster’’ and the person getting the message is not a big hamster fan, the message will probably be discarded rather than decoded into a high-resolution color photograph. The Content-Id: header identifies the content. It uses the same format as the standard Message-Id: header.

The Content-Transfer-Encoding: tells how the body is wrapped for transmission through the network. A key problem at the time MIME was developed was that the mail transfer (SMTP) protocols expected ASCII messages in which no line exceeded 1000 characters. ASCII characters use 7 bits out of each 8-bit byte. Binary data such as executable programs and images use all 8 bits of each byte, as do extended character sets. There was no guarantee this data would be transferred safely. Hence, some method of carrying binary data that made it look like a regular ASCII mail message was needed. Extensions to SMTP since the development of MIME do allow 8-bit binary data to be transferred, though even today binary data may not always go through the mail system correctly if unencoded.

MIME provides five transfer encoding schemes, plus an escape to new schemes—just in case. The simplest scheme is just ASCII text messages. ASCII characters use 7 bits and can be carried directly by the email protocol, provided that no line exceeds 1000 characters.

The next simplest scheme is the same thing, but using 8-bit characters, that is, all values from 0 up to and including 255 are allowed. Messages using the 8-bit encoding must still adhere to the standard maximum line length.

Then there are messages that use a true binary encoding. These are arbitrary binary files that not only use all 8 bits but also do not adhere to the 1000-character line limit. Executable programs fall into this category. Nowadays, mail servers can negotiate to send data in binary (or 8-bit) encoding, falling back to ASCII if both ends do not support the extension.

The ASCII encoding of binary data is called base64 encoding. In this scheme, groups of 24 bits are broken up into four 6-bit units, with each unit being sent as a legal ASCII character. The coding is ‘‘A’’ for 0, ‘‘B’’ for 1, and so on, followed by the 26 lowercase letters, the 10 digits, and finally + and / for 62 and 63, respectively. The == and = sequences indicate that the last group contained only 8 or 16 bits, respectively. Carriage returns and line feeds are ignored, so they can be inserted at will in the encoded character stream to keep the lines short enough. Arbitrary binary text can be sent safely using this scheme, albeit inefficiently. This encoding was very popular before binary-capable mail servers were widely deployed. It is still commonly seen.

For messages that are almost entirely ASCII but with a few non-ASCII characters, base64 encoding is somewhat inefficient. Instead, an encoding known as quoted-printable encoding is used. This is just 7-bit ASCII, with all the characters above 127 encoded as an equals sign followed by the character’s value as two hexadecimal digits. Control characters, some punctuation marks and math symbols, as well as trailing spaces are also so encoded.

Finally, when there are valid reasons not to use one of these schemes, it is possible to specify a user-defined encoding in the Content-Transfer-Encoding: header.

The last header shown in Fig. 7-12 is really the most interesting one. It specifies the nature of the message body and has had an impact well beyond email. For instance, content downloaded from the Web is labeled with MIME types so that the browser knows how to present it. So is content sent over streaming media and real-time transports such as voice over IP.

Initially, seven MIME types were defined in RFC 1521. Each type has one or more available subtypes. The type and subtype are separated by a slash, as in ‘‘Content-Type: video/mpeg’’. Since then, hundreds of subtypes have been added, along with another type. Additional entries are being added all the time as new types of content are developed. The list of assigned types and subtypes is maintained online by IANA at www.iana.org/assignments/media-types

The types, along with examples of commonly used subtypes, are given in Fig. 7-13. Let us briefly go through them, starting with text. The text/plain combination is for ordinary messages that can be displayed as received, with no encoding and no further processing. This option allows ordinary messages to be transported in MIME with only a few extra headers. The text/html subtype was added when the Web became popular (in RFC 2854) to allow Web pages to be sent in RFC 822 email. A subtype for the eXtensible Markup Language, text/xml, is defined in RFC 3023. XML documents have proliferated with the development of the Web. We will study HTML and XML in Sec. 7.3.


The next MIME type is image, which is used to transmit still pictures. Many formats are widely used for storing and transmitting images nowadays, both with and without compression. Several of these, including GIF, JPEG, and TIFF, are built into nearly all browsers. Many other formats and corresponding subtypes exist as well.

The audio and video types are for sound and moving pictures, respectively. Please note that video may include only the visual information, not the sound. If a movie with sound is to be transmitted, the video and audio portions may have to be transmitted separately, depending on the encoding system used. The first video format defined was the one devised by the modestly named Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), but others have been added since. In addition to audio/basic, a new audio type, audio/mpeg, was added in RFC 3003 to allow people to email MP3 audio files. The video/mp4 and audio/mp4 types signal video and audio data that are stored in the newer MPEG 4 format.

The model type was added after the other content types. It is intended for describing 3D model data. However, it has not been widely used to date.

The application type is a catchall for formats that are not covered by one of the other types and that require an application to interpret the data. We have listed the subtypes pdf, javascript, and zip as examples for PDF documents, JavaScript programs, and Zip archives, respectively. User agents that receive this content use a third-party library or external program to display the content; the display may or may not appear to be integrated with the user agent.

By using MIME types, user agents gain the extensibility to handle new types of application content as it is developed. This is a significant benefit. On the other hand, many of the new forms of content are executed or interpreted by applications, which presents some dangers. Obviously, running an arbitrary executable program that has arrived via the mail system from ‘‘friends’’ poses a security hazard. The program may do all sorts of nasty damage to the parts of the computer to which it has access, especially if it can read and write files and use the network. Less obviously, document formats can pose the same hazards. This is because formats such as PDF are full-blown programming languages in disguise. While they are interpreted and restricted in scope, bugs in the interpreter often allow devious documents to escape the restrictions.

Besides these examples, there are many more application subtypes because there are many more applications. As a fallback to be used when no other subtype is known to be more fitting, the octet-stream subtype denotes a sequence of uninterpreted bytes. Upon receiving such a stream, it is likely that a user agent will display it by suggesting to the user that it be copied to a file. Subsequent processing is then up to the user, who presumably knows what kind of content it is.

The last two types are useful for composing and manipulating messages themselves. The message type allows one message to be fully encapsulated inside another. This scheme is useful for forwarding email, for example. When a complete RFC 822 message is encapsulated inside an outer message, the rfc822 subtype should be used. Similarly, it is common for HTML documents to be encapsulated. And the partial subtype makes it possible to break an encapsulated message into pieces and send them separately (for example, if the encapsulated message is too long). Parameters make it possible to reassemble all the parts at the destination in the correct order.

Finally, the multipart type allows a message to contain more than one part, with the beginning and end of each part being clearly delimited. The mixed subtype allows each part to be a different type, with no additional structure imposed. Many email programs allow the user to provide one or more attachments to a text message. These attachments are sent using the multipart type.

In contrast to mixed, the alternative subtype allows the same message to be included multiple times but expressed in two or more different media. For example, a message could be sent in plain ASCII, in HMTL, and in PDF. A properly designed user agent getting such a message would display it according to user preferences. Likely PDF would be the first choice, if that is possible. The second choice would be HTML. If neither of these were possible, then the flat ASCII text would be displayed. The parts should be ordered from simplest to most complex to help recipients with pre-MIME user agents make some sense of the message (e.g., even a pre-MIME user can read flat ASCII text).

The alternative subtype can also be used for multiple languages. In this context, the Rosetta Stone can be thought of as an early multipart/alternative message.

Of the other two example subtypes, the parallel subtype is used when all parts must be ‘‘viewed’’ simultaneously. For example, movies often have an audio channel and a video channel. Movies are more effective if these two channels are played back in parallel, instead of consecutively. The digest subtype is used when multiple messages are packed together into a composite message. For example, some discussion groups on the Internet collect messages from subscribers and then send them out to the group periodically as a single multipart/digest message.

As an example of how MIME types may be used for email messages, a multimedia message is shown in Fig. 7-14. Here, a birthday greeting is transmitted in alternative forms as HTML and as an audio file. Assuming the receiver has audio capability, the user agent there will play the sound file. In this example, the sound is carried by reference as a message/external-body subtype, so first the user agent must fetch the sound file birthday.snd using FTP. If the user agent has no audio capability, the lyrics are displayed on the screen in stony silence. The two parts are delimited by two hyphens followed by a (software-generated) string specified in the boundary parameter.

Note that the Content-Type header occurs in three positions within this example. At the top level, it indicates that the message has multiple parts. Within each part, it gives the type and subtype of that part. Finally, within the body of the second part, it is required to tell the user agent what kind of external file it is to fetch. To indicate this slight difference in usage, we have used lowercase letters here, although all headers are case insensitive. The Content-Transfer-Encoding is similarly required for any external body that is not encoded as 7-bit ASCII.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Electronic mail, or more commonly email, has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet. Before 1990, it was mostly used in academia. view more..
Ans: In theory at least, a single name server could contain the entire DNS database and respond to all queries about it. In practice, this server would be so overloaded as to be useless. Furthermore, if it ever went down, the entire Internet would be crippled. view more..
Ans: Having finished all the preliminaries, we now come to the layer where all the applications are found. The layers below the application layer are there to provide transport services, but they do not do real work for users. In this chapter, we will study some real network applications. view more..
Ans: Now we turn from the user interface to the format of the email messages themselves. Messages sent by the user agent must be placed in a standard format to be handled by the message transfer agents. view more..
Ans: Now that we have described user agents and mail messages, we are ready to look at how the message transfer agents relay messages from the originator to the recipient. The mail transfer is done with the SMTP protocol. view more..
Ans: Our mail message is almost delivered. It has arrived at Bob’s mailbox. All that remains is to transfer a copy of the message to Bob’s user agent for display. This is step 3 in the architecture of Fig. 7-7. This task was straightforward in the early Internet, when the user agent and mail transfer agent ran on the same machine as different processes. view more..
Ans: The Web, as the World Wide Web is popularly known, is an architectural framework for accessing linked content spread out over millions of machines all over the Internet. view more..
Ans: The basis of the Web is transferring Web pages from server to client. In the simplest form, Web pages are static. That is, they are just files sitting on some server that present themselves in the same way each time they are fetched and viewed. view more..
Ans: The static page model we have used so far treats pages as multimedia documents that are conveniently linked together. It was a fitting model in the early days of the Web, as vast amounts of information were put online. view more..
Ans: Now that we have an understanding of Web content and applications, it is time to look at the protocol that is used to transport all this information between Web servers and clients. It is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), as specified in RFC 2616. view more..
Ans: The Web is used from most every type of computer, and that includes mobile phones. Browsing the Web over a wireless network while mobile can be very useful. It also presents technical problems because much Web content was designed for flashy presentations on desktop computers with broadband connectivity. view more..
Ans: Web applications and the mobile Web are not the only exciting developments in the use of networks. For many people, audio and video are the holy grail of networking. When the word ‘‘multimedia’’ is mentioned, both the propellerheads and the suits begin salivating as if on cue. view more..
Ans: Now that we know all about the ear, it is time to move on to the eye. (No, this section is not followed by one on the nose.) The human eye has the property that when an image appears on the retina, the image is retained for some number of milliseconds before decaying. If a sequence of images is drawn at 50 images/sec, the eye does not notice that it is looking at discrete images. All video systems exploit this principle to produce moving pictures. view more..
Ans: Let us now move on to network applications. Our first case is streaming media that is already stored in files. The most common example of this is watching videos over the Internet view more..
Ans: It is not only recorded videos that are tremendously popular on the Web. Live media streaming is very popular too. Once it became possible to stream audio and video over the Internet, commercial radio and TV stations got the idea of broadcasting their content over the Internet as well as over the air. view more..
Ans: Once upon a time, voice calls were carried over the public switched telephone network, and network traffic was primarily voice traffic, with a little bit of data traffic here and there. Then came the Internet, and the Web. view more..
Ans: he Internet used to be all about communication, like the telephone network. Early on, academics would communicate with remote machines, logging in over the network to perform tasks. People have used email to communicate with each other for a long time, and now use video and voice over IP as well. view more..
Ans: The Web designs that we have seen so far have a single server machine talking to multiple client machines. To build large Web sites that perform well, we can speed up processing on either the server side or the client side. On the server side, more powerful Web servers can be built with a server farm, in which a cluster of computers acts as a single server. view more..

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