Anycast Routing

So far, we have covered delivery models in which a source sends to a single destination (called unicast), to all destinations (called broadcast), and to a group of destinations (called multicast). Another delivery model, called anycast is sometimes also useful. In anycast, a packet is delivered to the nearest member of a group (Partridge et al., 1993). Schemes that find these paths are called anycast routing.

Why would we want anycast? Sometimes nodes provide a service, such as time of day or content distribution for which it is getting the right information all that matters, not the node that is contacted; any node will do. For example, anycast is used in the Internet as part of DNS, as we will see in Chap. 7.

Luckily, we will not have to devise new routing schemes for anycast because regular distance vector and link state routing can produce anycast routes. Suppose we want to anycast to the members of group 1. They will all be given the address ‘‘1,’’ instead of different addresses. Distance vector routing will distribute vectors as usual, and nodes will choose the shortest path to destination 1. This will result in nodes sending to the nearest instance of destination 1. The routes are shown in Fig. 5-18(a). This procedure works because the routing protocol does not realize that there are multiple instances of destination 1. That is, it believes that all the instances of node 1 are the same node, as in the topology shown in Fig. 5-18(b).



This procedure works for link state routing as well, although there is the added consideration that the routing protocol must not find seemingly short paths that pass through node 1. This would result in jumps through hyperspace, since the instances of node 1 are really nodes located in different parts of the network. However, link state protocols already make this distinction between routers and hosts. We glossed over this fact earlier because it was not needed for our discussion.

Routing for Mobile Hosts

Millions of people use computers while on the go, from truly mobile situations with wireless devices in moving cars, to nomadic situations in which laptop computers are used in a series of different locations. We will use the term mobile hosts to mean either category, as distinct from stationary hosts that never move. Increasingly, people want to stay connected wherever in the world they may be, as easily as if they were at home. These mobile hosts introduce a new complication: to route a packet to a mobile host, the network first has to find it.

The model of the world that we will consider is one in which all hosts are assumed to have a permanent home location that never changes. Each hosts also has a permanent home address that can be used to determine its home location, analogous to the way the telephone number 1-212-5551212 indicates the United States (country code 1) and Manhattan (212). The routing goal in systems with mobile hosts is to make it possible to send packets to mobile hosts using their fixed home addresses and have the packets efficiently reach them wherever they may be. The trick, of course, is to find them.

Some discussion of this model is in order. A different model would be to recompute routes as the mobile host moves and the topology changes. We could then simply use the routing schemes described earlier in this section. However, with a growing number of mobile hosts, this model would soon lead to the entire network endlessly computing new routes. Using the home addresses greatly reduces this burden.

Another alternative would be to provide mobility above the network layer, which is what typically happens with laptops today. When they are moved to new Internet locations, laptops acquire new network addresses. There is no association between the old and new addresses; the network does not know that they belonged to the same laptop. In this model, a laptop can be used to browse the Web, but other hosts cannot send packets to it (for example, for an incoming call), without building a higher layer location service, for example, signing into Skype again after moving. Moreover, connections cannot be maintained while the host is moving; new connections must be started up instead. Network-layer mobility is useful to fix these problems.

The basic idea used for mobile routing in the Internet and cellular networks is for the mobile host to tell a host at the home location where it is now. This host, which acts on behalf of the mobile host, is called the home agent. Once it knows where the mobile host is currently located, it can forward packets so that they are delivered.

Fig. 5-19 shows mobile routing in action. A sender in the northwest city of Seattle wants to send a packet to a host normally located across the United States in New York. The case of interest to us is when the mobile host is not at home. Instead, it is temporarily in San Diego.

The mobile host in San Diego must acquire a local network address before it can use the network. This happens in the normal way that hosts obtain network addresses; we will cover how this works for the Internet later in this chapter. The local address is called a care of address. Once the mobile host has this address, it can tell its home agent where it is now. It does this by sending a registration message to the home agent (step 1) with the care of address. The message is shown with a dashed line in Fig. 5-19 to indicate that it is a control message, not a data message.

Next, the sender sends a data packet to the mobile host using its permanent address (step 2). This packet is routed by the network to the host’s home location because that is where the home address belongs. In New York, the home agent intercepts this packet because the mobile host is away from home. It then wraps or encapsulates the packet with a new header and sends this bundle to the care of address (step 3). This mechanism is called tunneling. It is very important in the Internet so we will look at it in more detail later.



When the encapsulated packet arrives at the care of address, the mobile host unwraps it and retrieves the packet from the sender. The mobile host then sends its reply packet directly to the sender (step 4). The overall route is called triangle routing because it may be circuitous if the remote location is far from the home location. As part of step 4, the sender may learn the current care of address. Subsequent packets can be routed directly to the mobile host by tunneling them to the care of address (step 5), bypassing the home location entirely. If connectivity is lost for any reason as the mobile moves, the home address can always be used to reach the mobile.

An important aspect that we have omitted from this description is security. In general, when a host or router gets a message of the form ‘‘Starting right now, please send all of Stephany’s mail to me,’’ it might have a couple of questions about whom it is talking to and whether this is a good idea. Security information is included in the messages so that their validity can be checked with cryptographic protocols that we will study in Chap. 8.

There are many variations on mobile routing. The scheme above is modeled on IPv6 mobility, the form of mobility used in the Internet (Johnson et al., 2004) and as part of IP-based cellular networks such as UMTS. We showed the sender to be a stationary node for simplicity, but the designs let both nodes be mobile hosts. Alternatively, the host may be part of a mobile network, for example a computer in a plane. Extensions of the basic scheme support mobile networks with no work on the part of the hosts (Devarapalli et al., 2005).

Some schemes make use of a foreign (i.e., remote) agent, similar to the home agent but at the foreign location, or analogous to the VLR (Visitor Location Register) in cellular networks. However, in more recent schemes, the foreign agent is not needed; mobile hosts act as their own foreign agents. In either case, knowledge of the temporary location of the mobile host is limited to a small number of hosts (e.g., the mobile, home agent, and senders) so that the many routers in a large network do not need to recompute routes. For more information about mobile routing, see also Perkins (1998, 2002) and Snoeren and Balakrishnan (2000).

Routing in Ad Hoc Networks

We have now seen how to do routing when the hosts are mobile but the routers are fixed. An even more extreme case is one in which the routers themselves are mobile. Among the possibilities are emergency workers at an earthquake site, military vehicles on a battlefield, a fleet of ships at sea, or a gathering of people with laptop computers in an area lacking 802.11.

In all these cases, and others, each node communicates wirelessly and acts as both a host and a router. Networks of nodes that just happen to be near each other are called ad hoc networks or MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc NETworks). Let us now examine them briefly. More information can be found in Perkins (2001).

What makes ad hoc networks different from wired networks is that the topology is suddenly tossed out the window. Nodes can come and go or appear in new places at the drop of a bit. With a wired network, if a router has a valid path to some destination, that path continues to be valid barring failures, which are hopefully rare. With an ad hoc network, the topology may be changing all the time, so the desirability and even the validity of paths can change spontaneously without warning. Needless to say, these circumstances make routing in ad hoc networks more challenging than routing in their fixed counterparts.

Many, many routing algorithms for ad hoc networks have been proposed. However, since ad hoc networks have been little used in practice compared to mobile networks, it is unclear which of these protocols are most useful. As an example, we will look at one of the most popular routing algorithms, AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) (Perkins and Royer, 1999). It is a relative of the distance vector algorithm that has been adapted to work in a mobile environment, in which nodes often have limited bandwidth and battery lifetimes. Let us now see how it discovers and maintains routes.

Route Discovery

In AODV, routes to a destination are discovered on demand, that is, only when a somebody wants to send a packet to that destination. This saves much work that would otherwise be wasted when the topology changes before the route is used. At any instant, the topology of an ad hoc network can be described by a graph of connected nodes. Two nodes are connected (i.e., have an arc between them in the graph) if they can communicate directly using their radios. A basic but adequate model that is sufficient for our purposes is that each node can communicate with all other nodes that lie within its coverage circle. Real networks are more complicated, with buildings, hills, and other obstacles that block communication, and nodes for which A is connected to B but B is not connected to A because A has a more powerful transmitter than B. However, for simplicity, we will assume all connections are symmetric.

To describe the algorithm, consider the newly formed ad hoc network of Fig. 5-20. Suppose that a process at node A wants to send a packet to node I. The AODV algorithm maintains a distance vector table at each node, keyed by destination, giving information about that destination, including the neighbor to which to send packets to reach the destination. First, A looks in its table and does not find an entry for I. It now has to discover a route to I. This property of discovering routes only when they are needed is what makes this algorithm ‘‘on demand.’’



To locate I, A constructs a ROUTE REQUEST packet and broadcasts it using flooding, as described in Sec. 5.2.3. The transmission from A reaches B and D, as illustrated in Fig. 5-20(a). Each node rebroadcasts the request, which continues to reach nodes F, G, and C in Fig. 5-20(c) and nodes H, E, and I in Fig. 5-20(d). A sequence number set at the source is used to weed out duplicates during the flood. For example, D discards the transmission from B in Fig. 5-20(c) because it has already forwarded the request.

Eventually, the request reaches node I, which constructs a ROUTE REPLY packet. This packet is unicast to the sender along the reverse of the path followed by the request. For this to work, each intermediate node must remember the node that sent it the request. The arrows in Fig. 5-20(b)–(d) show the reverse route information that is stored. Each intermediate node also increments a hop count as it forwards the reply. This tells the nodes how far they are from the destination. The replies tell each intermediate node which neighbor to use to reach the destination: it is the node that sent them the reply. Intermediate nodes G and D put the best route they hear into their routing tables as they process the reply. When the reply reaches A, a new route, ADGI, has been created.

In a large network, the algorithm generates many broadcasts, even for destinations that are close by. To reduce overhead, the scope of the broadcasts is limited using the IP packet’s Time to live field. This field is initialized by the sender and decremented on each hop. If it hits 0, the packet is discarded instead of being broadcast. The route discovery process is then modified as follows. To locate a destination, the sender broadcasts a ROUTE REQUEST packet with Time to live set to 1. If no response comes back within a reasonable time, another one is sent, this time with Time to live set to 2. Subsequent attempts use 3, 4, 5, etc. In this way, the search is first attempted locally, then in increasingly wider rings.

Route Maintenance

Because nodes can move or be switched off, the topology can change spontaneously. For example, in Fig. 5-20, if G is switched off, A will not realize that the route it was using to I (ADGI) is no longer valid. The algorithm needs to be able to deal with this. Periodically, each node broadcasts a Hello message. Each of its neighbors is expected to respond to it. If no response is forthcoming, the broadcaster knows that that neighbor has moved out of range or failed and is no longer connected to it. Similarly, if it tries to send a packet to a neighbor that does not respond, it learns that the neighbor is no longer available.

This information is used to purge routes that no longer work. For each possible destination, each node, N, keeps track of its active neighbors that have fed it a packet for that destination during the last ΔT seconds. When any of N’s neighbors becomes unreachable, it checks its routing table to see which destinations have routes using the now-gone neighbor. For each of these routes, the active neighbors are informed that their route via N is now invalid and must be purged from their routing tables. In our example, D purges its entries for G and I from its routing table and notifies A, which purges its entry for I. In the general case, the active neighbors tell their active neighbors, and so on, recursively, until all routes depending on the now-gone node are purged from all routing tables.

At this stage, the invalid routes have been purged from the network, and senders can find new, valid routes by using the discovery mechanism that we described. However, there is a complication. Recall that distance vector protocols can suffer from slow convergence or count-to-infinity problems after a topology change in which they confuse old, invalid routes with new, valid routes.

To ensure rapid convergence, routes include a sequence number that is controlled by the destination. The destination sequence number is like a logical clock. The destination increments it every time that it sends a fresh ROUTE REPLY. Senders ask for a fresh route by including in the ROUTE REQUEST the destination sequence number of the last route they used, which will either be the sequence number of the route that was just purged, or 0 as an initial value. The request will be broadcast until a route with a higher sequence number is found. Intermediate nodes store the routes that have a higher sequence number, or the fewest hops for the current sequence number.

In the spirit of an on demand protocol, intermediate nodes only store the routes that are in use. Other route information learned during broadcasts is timed out after a short delay. Discovering and storing only the routes that are used helps to save bandwidth and battery life compared to a standard distance vector protocol that periodically broadcasts updates.

So far, we have considered only a single route, from A to I. To further save resources, route discovery and maintenance are shared when routes overlap. For instance, if B also wants to send packets to I, it will perform route discovery. However, in this case the request will first reach D, which already has a route to I. Node D can then generate a reply to tell B the route without any additional work being required.

There are many other ad hoc routing schemes. Another well-known on demand scheme is DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) (Johnson et al., 2001). A different strategy based on geography is explored by GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) (Karp and Kung, 2000). If all nodes know their geographic positions, forwarding to a destination can proceed without route computation by simply heading in the right direction and circling back to escape any dead ends. Which protocols win out will depend on the kinds of ad hoc networks that prove useful in practice.



Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: As networks grow in size, the router routing tables grow proportionally. Not only is router memory consumed by ever-increasing tables, but more CPU time is needed to scan them and more bandwidth is needed to send status reports about them. view more..
Ans: Distance vector routing was used in the ARPANET until 1979, when it was replaced by link state routing. The primary problem that caused its demise was that the algorithm often took too long to converge after the network topology changed (due to the count-to-infinity problem). view more..
Ans: When a routing algorithm is implemented, each router must make decisions based on local knowledge, not the complete picture of the network. A simple local technique is flooding, in which every incoming packet is sent out on every outgoing line except the one it arrived on. view more..
Ans: So far, we have covered delivery models in which a source sends to a single destination (called unicast), to all destinations (called broadcast), and to a group of destinations (called multicast). Another delivery model, called anycast is sometimes also useful. view more..
Ans: Too many packets present in (a part of) the network causes packet delay and loss that degrades performance. This situation is called congestion. The network and transport layers share the responsibility for handling congestion. view more..
Ans: In the Internet and many other computer networks, senders adjust their transmissions to send as much traffic as the network can readily deliver. In this setting, the network aims to operate just before the onset of congestion. view more..
Ans: The techniques we looked at in the previous sections are designed to reduce congestion and improve network performance. However, there are applications (and customers) that demand stronger performance guarantees from the network than ‘‘the best that could be done under the circumstances. view more..
Ans: Being able to regulate the shape of the offered traffic is a good start. However, to provide a performance guarantee, we must reserve sufficient resources along the route that the packets take through the network. view more..
Ans: Between 1995 and 1997, IETF put a lot of effort into devising an architecture for streaming multimedia. This work resulted in over two dozen RFCs, starting with RFCs 2205–2212. The generic name for this work is integrated services. view more..
Ans: Until now, we have implicitly assumed that there is a single homogeneous network, with each machine using the same protocol in each layer. Unfortunately, this assumption is wildly optimistic. Many different networks exist, including PANs, LANs, MANs, and WANs. view more..
Ans: Handling the general case of making two different networks interwork is exceedingly difficult. However, there is a common special case that is manageable even for different network protocols. This case is where the source and destination hosts are on the same type of network, but there is a different network in between. view more..
Ans: It is now time to discuss the network layer of the Internet in detail. But before getting into specifics, it is worth taking a look at the principles that drove its design in the past and made it the success that it is today. view more..
Ans: A defining feature of IPv4 is its 32-bit addresses. Every host and router on the Internet has an IP address that can be used in the Source address and Destination address fields of IP packets. It is important to note that an IP address does not actually refer to a host. view more..
Ans: To help you better appreciate why CIDR is so useful, we will briefly relate the design that predated it. Before 1993, IP addresses were divided into the five categories listed in Fig. 5-53. This allocation has come to be called classful addressing. view more..
Ans: IP has been in heavy use for decades. It has worked extremely well, as demonstrated by the exponential growth of the Internet. Unfortunately, IP has become a victim of its own popularity: it is close to running out of addresses. view more..
Ans: Some of the missing IPv4 fields are occasionally still needed, so IPv6 introduces the concept of (optional) extension headers. These headers can be supplied to provide extra information, but encoded in an efficient way. view more..
Ans: In addition to IP, which is used for data transfer, the Internet has several companion control protocols that are used in the network layer. They include ICMP, ARP, and DHCP. In this section, we will look at each of these in turn, describing the versions that correspond to IPv4 because they are the protocols that are in common use. view more..
Ans: So far, on our tour of the network layer of the Internet, we have focused exclusively on packets as datagrams that are forwarded by IP routers. There is also another kind of technology that is starting to be widely used, especially by ISPs, in order to move Internet traffic across their networks. view more..

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