TCP Competition: Reno vs BBR|Mininet

TCP Competition: Reno vs BBR

We can apply the same technique to compare TCP Reno to TCP BBR. This was done to create the graph at 22.16 TCP BBR. The Mininet approach is usable as soon as a TCP BBR module for Linux was released (in source form); to use a simulator,

on the other hand, would entail waiting for TCP BBR to be ported to the simulator. One nicety is that it is essential that the fq queuing discipline be enabled for the TCP BBR sender. If that is h2, for example, then the following Mininet code (perhaps in removes any existing queuing discipline and adds fq:

h2.cmd('tc qdisc del dev h2-eth root')
 h2.cmd('tc qdisc add dev h2-eth root fq')


The purpose of the fq queuing is to enable pacing; that is, the transmission of packets at regular, very small intervals.


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