Dynamic Web Pages and Web Applications

The static page model we have used so far treats pages as multimedia documents that are conveniently linked together. It was a fitting model in the early days of the Web, as vast amounts of information were put online. Nowadays, much of the excitement around the Web is using it for applications and services. Examples include buying products on e-commerce sites, searching library catalogs, exploring maps, reading and sending email, and collaborating on documents.

These new uses are like traditional application software (e.g., mail readers and word processors). The twist is that these applications run inside the browser, with user data stored on servers in Internet data centers. They use Web protocols to access information via the Internet, and the browser to display a user interface. The advantage of this approach is that users do not need to install separate application programs, and user data can be accessed from different computers and backed up by the service operator. It is proving so successful that it is rivaling traditional application software. Of course, the fact that these applications are offered for free by large providers helps. This model is the prevalent form of cloud computing, in which computing moves off individual desktop computers and into shared clusters of servers in the Internet.

To act as applications, Web pages can no longer be static. Dynamic content is needed. For example, a page of the library catalog should reflect which books are currently available and which books are checked out and are thus not available. Similarly, a useful stock market page would allow the user to interact with the page to see stock prices over different periods of time and compute profits and losses. As these examples suggest, dynamic content can be generated by programs running on the server or in the browser (or in both places).

In this section, we will examine each of these two cases in turn. The general situation is as shown in Fig. 7-29. For example, consider a map service that lets the user enter a street address and presents a corresponding map of the location. Given a request for a location, the Web server must use a program to create a page that shows the map for the location from a database of streets and other geographic information. This action is shown as steps 1 through 3. The request (step 1) causes a program to run on the server. The program consults a database to generate the appropriate page (step 2) and returns it to the browser (step 3).


There is more to dynamic content, however. The page that is returned may itself contain programs that run in the browser. In our map example, the program would let the user find routes and explore nearby areas at different levels of detail. It would update the page, zooming in or out as directed by the user (step 4). To handle some interactions, the program may need more data from the server. In this case, the program will send a request to the server (step 5) that will retrieve more information from the database (step 6) and return a response (step 7). The program will then continue updating the page (step 4). The requests and responses happen in the background; the user may not even be aware of them because the page URL and title typically do not change. By including client-side programs, the page can present a more responsive interface than with server-side programs alone.

Server-Side Dynamic Web Page Generation

Let us look at the case of server-side content generation in more detail. A simple situation in which server-side processing is necessary is the use of forms. Consider the user filling out the AWI order form of Fig. 7-25(b) and clicking the Submit order button. When the user clicks, a request is sent to the server at the URL specified with the form (a POST to in this case) along with the contents of the form as filled in by the user. These data must be given to a program or script to process. Thus, the URL identifies the program to run; the data are provided to the program as input. In this case, processing would involve entering the order in AWI’s internal system, updating customer records, and charging the credit card. The page returned by this request will depend on what happens during the processing. It is not fixed like a static page. If the order succeeds, the page returned might give the expected shipping date. If it is unsuccessful, the returned page might say that widgets requested are out of stock or the credit card was not valid for some reason.

Exactly how the server runs a program instead of retrieving a file depends on the design of the Web server. It is not specified by the Web protocols themselves. This is because the interface can be proprietary and the browser does not need to know the details. As far as the browser is concerned, it is simply making a request and fetching a page.

Nonetheless, standard APIs have been developed for Web servers to invoke programs. The existence of these interfaces makes it easier for developers to extend different servers with Web applications. We will briefly look at two APIs to give you a sense of what they entail.

The first API is a method for handling dynamic page requests that has been available since the beginning of the Web. It is called the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) and is defined in RFC 3875. CGI provides an interface to allow Web servers to talk to back-end programs and scripts that can accept input (e.g., from forms) and generate HTML pages in response. These programs may be written in whatever language is convenient for the developer, usually a scripting language for ease of development. Pick Python, Ruby, Perl or your favorite language.

By convention, programs invoked via CGI live in a directory called cgi-bin, which is visible in the URL. The server maps a request to this directory to a program name and executes that program as a separate process. It provides any data sent with the request as input to the program. The output of the program gives a Web page that is returned to the browser.

In our example, the program order.cgi is invoked with input from the form encoded as shown in Fig. 7-26. It will parse the parameters and process the order. A useful convention is that the program will return the HTML for the order form if no form input is provided. In this way, the program will be sure to know the representation of the form.

The second API we will look at is quite different. The approach here is to embed little scripts inside HTML pages and have them be executed by the server itself to generate the page. A popular language for writing these scripts is PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor). To use it, the server has to understand PHP, just as a browser has to understand CSS to interpret Web pages with style sheets. Usually, servers identify Web pages containing PHP from the file extension php rather than html or htm.

PHP is simpler to use than CGI. As an example of how it works with forms, see the example in Fig. 7-30(a). The top part of this figure contains a normal HTML page with a simple form in it. This time, the tag

 specifies that action.php is to be invoked to handle the parameters when the user submits the form. The page displays two text boxes, one with a request for a name and one with a request for an age. After the two boxes have been filled in and the form submitted, the server parses the Fig. 7-26-type string sent back, putting the name in the name variable and the age in the age variable. It then starts to process the action.php file, shown in Fig. 7-30(b), as a reply. During the processing of this file,the PHP commands are executed. If the user filled in ‘‘Barbara’’ and ‘‘24’’ in the boxes, the HTML file sent back will be the one given in Fig. 7-30(c). Thus, handling forms becomes extremely simple using PHP.


Although PHP is easy to use, it is actually a powerful programming language for interfacing the Web and a server database. It has variables, strings, arrays, and most of the control structures found in C, but much more powerful I/O than just printf. PHP is open source code, freely available, and widely used. It was designed specifically to work well with Apache, which is also open source and is the world’s most widely used Web server. For more information about PHP, see Valade (2009).

We have now seen two different ways to generate dynamic HTML pages: CGI scripts and embedded PHP. There are several others to choose from. JSP (JavaServer Pages) is similar to PHP, except that the dynamic part is written in the Java programming language instead of in PHP. Pages using this technique have the file extension .jsp. ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET) is Microsoft’s version of PHP and JavaServer Pages. It uses programs written in Microsoft’s proprietary .NET networked application framework for generating the dynamic content. Pages using this technique have the extension .aspx. The choice among these three techniques usually has more to do with politics (open source vs. Microsoft) than with technology, since the three languages are roughly comparable.

Client-Side Dynamic Web Page Generation

PHP and CGI scripts solve the problem of handling input and interactions with databases on the server. They can all accept incoming information from forms, look up information in one or more databases, and generate HTML pages with the results. What none of them can do is respond to mouse movements or interact with users directly. For this purpose, it is necessary to have scripts embedded in HTML pages that are executed on the client machine rather than the server machine. Starting with HTML 4.0, such scripts are permitted using the tag.The technologies used to produce these interactive Web pages are broadly referred to as dynamic HTML

The most popular scripting language for the client side is JavaScript, so we will now take a quick look at it. Despite the similarity in names, JavaScript has almost nothing to do with the Java programming language. Like other scripting languages, it is a very high-level language. For example, in a single line of JavaScript it is possible to pop up a dialog box, wait for text input, and store the resulting string in a variable. High-level features like this make JavaScript ideal for designing interactive Web pages. On the other hand, the fact that it is mutating faster than a fruit fly trapped in an X-ray machine makes it extremely difficult to write JavaScript programs that work on all platforms, but maybe some day it will stabilize.

As an example of a program in JavaScript, consider that of Fig. 7-31. Like that of Fig. 7-30, it displays a form asking for a name and age, and then predicts how old the person will be next year. The body is almost the same as the PHP example, the main difference being the declaration of the Submit button and the assignment statement in it. This assignment statement tells the browser to invoke the response script on a button click and pass it the form as a parameter.

What is completely new here is the declaration of the JavaScript function response in the head of the HTML file, an area normally reserved for titles, background colors, and so on. This function extracts the value of the name field from the form and stores it in the variable person as a string. It also extracts the value of the age field, converts it to an integer by using the eval function, adds 1 to it, and stores the result in years. Then it opens a document for output, does four


.writes to it using the writeln method, and closes the document. The document is an HTML file, as can be seen from the various HTML tags in it. The browser then displays the document on the screen.

It is very important to understand that while PHP and JavaScript look similar in that they both embed code in HTML files, they are processed totally differently. In the PHP example of Fig. 7-30, after the user has clicked on the submit button, the browser collects the information into a long string and sends it off to the server as a request for a PHP page. The server loads the PHP file and executes the PHP script that is embedded in to produce a new HTML page. That page is sent back to the browser for display. The browser cannot even be sure that it was produced by a program. This processing is shown as steps 1 to 4 in Fig. 7- 32(a).

In the JavaScript example of Fig. 7-31, when the submit button is clicked the browser interprets a JavaScript function contained on the page. All the work is done locally, inside the browser. There is no contact with the server. This processing is shown as steps 1 and 2 in Fig. 7-32(b). As a consequence, the result is displayed virtually instantaneously, whereas with PHP there can be a delay of several seconds before the resulting HTML arrives at the client.


This difference does not mean that JavaScript is better than PHP. Their uses are completely different. PHP (and, by implication, JSP and ASP) is used when interaction with a database on the server is needed. JavaScript (and other clientside languages we will mention, such as VBScript) is used when the interaction is with the user at the client computer. It is certainly possible to combine them, as we will see shortly.

JavaScript is not the only way to make Web pages highly interactive. An alternative on Windows platforms is VBScript, which is based on Visual Basic. Another popular method across platforms is the use of applets. These are small Java programs that have been compiled into machine instructions for a virtual computer called the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Applets can be embedded in HTML pages (betweenand) and interpreted by JVM-capable browsers. Because Java applets are interpreted rather than directly executed, the Java interpreter can prevent them from doing Bad Things. At least in theory. In practice, applet writers have found a nearly endless stream of bugs in the Java I/O libraries to exploit.

Microsoft’s answer to Sun’s Java applets was allowing Web pages to hold ActiveX controls, which are programs compiled to x86 machine language and executed on the bare hardware. This feature makes them vastly faster and more flexible than interpreted Java applets because they can do anything a program can do. When Internet Explorer sees an ActiveX control in a Web page, it downloads it, verifies its identity, and executes it. However, downloading and running foreign programs raises enormous security issues, which we will discuss in Chap. 8.

Since nearly all browsers can interpret both Java programs and JavaScript, a designer who wants to make a highly interactive Web page has a choice of at least two techniques, and if portability to multiple platforms is not an issue, ActiveX in addition. As a general rule, JavaScript programs are easier to write, Java applets execute faster, and ActiveX controls run fastest of all. Also, since all browsers implement exactly the same JVM but no two browsers implement the same version of JavaScript, Java applets are more portable than JavaScript programs. For more information about JavaScript, there are many books, each h with many (often with more than 1000) pages. See, for example, Flanagan (2010).

AJAX—Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Compelling Web applications need responsive user interfaces and seamless access to data stored on remote Web servers. Scripting on the client (e.g., with JavaScript) and the server (e.g., with PHP) are basic technologies that provide pieces of the solution. These technologies are commonly used with several other key technologies in a combination called AJAX (Asynchronous JAvascript and Xml). Many full-featured Web applications, such as Google’s Gmail, Maps, and Docs, are written with AJAX.

AJAX is somewhat confusing because it is not a language. It is a set of technologies that work together to enable Web applications that are every bit as responsive and powerful as traditional desktop applications. The technologies are:

1. HTML and CSS to present information as pages.

2. DOM (Document Object Model) to change parts of pages while they are viewed.

3. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) to let programs exchange application data with the server.

4. An asynchronous way for programs to send and retrieve XML data.

5. JavaScript as a language to bind all this functionality together.

As this is quite a collection, we will go through each piece to see what it contributes. We have already seen HTML and CSS. They are standards for describing content and how it should be displayed. Any program that can produce HTML and CSS can use a Web browser as a display engine.

DOM (Document Object Model) is a representation of an HTML page that is accessible to programs. This representation is structured as a tree that reflects the structure of the HTML elements. For instance, the DOM tree of the HTML in Fig. 7-30(a) is given in Fig. 7-33. At the root is an html element that represents the entire HTML block. This element is the parent of the body element, which is in turn parent to a form element. The form has two attributes that are drawn to the right-hand side, one for the form method (a POST ) and one for the form action (the URL to request). This element has three children, reflecting the two paragraph tags and one input tag that are contained within the form. At the bottom of the tree are leaves that contain either elements or literals, such as text strings.

The significance of the DOM model is that it provides programs with a straightforward way to change parts of the page. There is no need to rewrite the entire page. Only the node that contains the change needs to be replaced. When this change is made, the browser will correspondingly update the display. For example, if an image on part of the page is changed in DOM, the browser will update that image without changing the other parts of the page. We have already seen DOM in action when the JavaScript example of Fig. 7-31 added lines to the


document element to cause new lines of text to appear at the bottom of the browser window. The DOM is a powerful method for producing pages that can evolve.

The third technology, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), is a language for specifying structured content. HTML mixes content with formatting because it is concerned with the presentation of information. However, as Web applications become more common, there is an increasing need to separate structured content from its presentation. For example, consider a program that searches the Web for the best price for some book. It needs to analyze many Web pages looking for the item’s title and price. With Web pages in HTML, it is very difficult for a program to figure out where the title is and where the price is.

For this reason, the W3C developed XML (Bray et al., 2006) to allow Web content to be structured for automated processing. Unlike HTML, there are no defined tags for XML. Each user can define her own tags. A simple example of an XML document is given in Fig. 7-34. It defines a structure called book list, which is a list of books. Each book has three fields, the title, author, and year of publication. These structures are extremely simple. It is permitted to have structures with repeated fields (e.g., multiple authors), optional fields (e.g., URL of the audio book), and alternative fields (e.g., URL of a bookstore if it is in print or URL of an auction site if it is out of print).

In this example, each of the three fields is an indivisible entity, but it is also permitted to further subdivide the fields. For example, the author field could have been done as follows to give finer-grained control over searching and formatting



All the file of Fig. 7-34 does is define a book list containing three books. It is well suited for transporting information between programs running in browsers and servers, but it says nothing about how to display the document as a Web page. To do that, a program that consumes the information and judges 1949 to be a fine year for books might output HTML in which the titles are marked up as italic text. Alternatively, a language called XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), can be used to define how XML should be transformed into HTML. XSLT is like CSS, but much more powerful. We will spare you the details.

The other advantage of expressing data in XML, instead of HTML, is that it is easier for programs to analyze. HTML was originally written manually (and often is still) so a lot of it is a bit sloppy. Sometimes the closing tags, like . Still other tags may be nested improperly, and the case of tag and attribute names can vary. Most browsers do their best to work out what was probably intended. XML is stricter and cleaner in its definition. Tag names and attributes are always lowercase, tags must always be closed in the reverse of the order that they were opened (or indicate clearly if they are an empty tag with no corresponding close), and attribute values must be enclosed in quotation marks. This precision makes parsing easier and unambiguous.

HTML is even being defined in terms of XML. This approach is called XHTML (eXtended HyperText Markup Language). Basically, it is a Very Picky version of HTML. XHTML pages must strictly conform to the XML rules, otherwise they are not accepted by the browser. No more shoddy Web pages and inconsistencies across browsers. As with XML, the intent is to produce pages that are better for programs (in this case Web applications) to process. While XHTML has been around since 1998, it has been slow to catch on. People who produce HTML do not see why they need XHTML, and browser support has lagged. Now HTML 5.0 is being defined so that a page can be represented as either HTML or XHTML to aid the transition. Eventually, XHTML should replace HTML, but it will be a long time before this transition is complete.

XML has also proved popular as a language for communication between programs. When this communication is carried by the HTTP protocol (described in the next section) it is called a Web service. In particular, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a way of implementing Web services that performs RPC between programs in a language- and system-independent way. The client just constructs the request as an XML message and sends it to the server, using the HTTP protocol. The server sends back a reply as an XML-formatted message. In this way, applications on heterogeneous platforms can communicate.

Getting back to AJAX, our point is simply that XML is a useful format to exchange data between programs running in the browser and the server. However, to provide a responsive interface in the browser while sending or receiving data, it must be possible for scripts to perform asynchronous I/O that does not block the display while awaiting the response to a request. For example, consider a map that can be scrolled in the browser. When it is notified of the scroll action, the script on the map page may request more map data from the server if the view of the map is near the edge of the data. The interface should not freeze while those data are fetched. Such an interface would win no user awards. Instead, the scrolling should continue smoothly. When the data arrive, the script is notified so that it can use the data. If all goes well, new map data will be fetched before it is needed. Modern browsers have support for this model of communication.

The final piece of the puzzle is a scripting language that holds AJAX together by providing access to the above list of technologies. In most cases, this language is JavaScript, but there are alternatives such as VBScript. We presented a simple example of JavaScript earlier. Do not be fooled by this simplicity. JavaScript has many quirks, but it is a full-blown programming language, with all the power of C or Java. It has variables, strings, arrays, objects, functions, and all the usual control structures. It also has interfaces specific to the browser and Web pages. JavaScript can track mouse motion over objects on the screen, which makes it easy to make a menu suddenly appear and leads to lively Web pages. It can use DOM to access pages, manipulate HTML and XML, and perform asynchronous HTTP communication.

Before leaving the subject of dynamic pages, let us briefly summarize the technologies we have covered so far by relating them on a single figure. Complete Web pages can be generated on the fly by various scripts on the server machine. The scripts can be written in server extension languages like PHP, JSP, or ASP.NET, or run as separate CGI processes and thus be written in any language. These options are shown in Fig. 7-35.


Once these Web pages are received by the browser, they are treated as normal pages in HTML, CSS and other MIME types and just displayed. Plug-ins that run in the browser and helper applications that run outside of the browser can be installed to extend the MIME types that are supported by the browser.

Dynamic content generation is also possible on the client side. The programs that are embedded in Web pages can be written in JavaScript, VBScript, Java, and other languages. These programs can perform arbitrary computations and update the display. With AJAX, programs in Web pages can asynchronously exchange XML and other kinds of data with the server. This model supports rich Web applications that look just like traditional applications, except that they run inside the browser and access information that is stored at servers on the Internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: The basis of the Web is transferring Web pages from server to client. In the simplest form, Web pages are static. That is, they are just files sitting on some server that present themselves in the same way each time they are fetched and viewed. view more..
Ans: The Web, as the World Wide Web is popularly known, is an architectural framework for accessing linked content spread out over millions of machines all over the Internet. view more..
Ans: Our mail message is almost delivered. It has arrived at Bob’s mailbox. All that remains is to transfer a copy of the message to Bob’s user agent for display. This is step 3 in the architecture of Fig. 7-7. This task was straightforward in the early Internet, when the user agent and mail transfer agent ran on the same machine as different processes. view more..
Ans: The static page model we have used so far treats pages as multimedia documents that are conveniently linked together. It was a fitting model in the early days of the Web, as vast amounts of information were put online. view more..
Ans: Now that we have an understanding of Web content and applications, it is time to look at the protocol that is used to transport all this information between Web servers and clients. It is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), as specified in RFC 2616. view more..
Ans: The Web is used from most every type of computer, and that includes mobile phones. Browsing the Web over a wireless network while mobile can be very useful. It also presents technical problems because much Web content was designed for flashy presentations on desktop computers with broadband connectivity. view more..
Ans: Web applications and the mobile Web are not the only exciting developments in the use of networks. For many people, audio and video are the holy grail of networking. When the word ‘‘multimedia’’ is mentioned, both the propellerheads and the suits begin salivating as if on cue. view more..
Ans: Now that we know all about the ear, it is time to move on to the eye. (No, this section is not followed by one on the nose.) The human eye has the property that when an image appears on the retina, the image is retained for some number of milliseconds before decaying. If a sequence of images is drawn at 50 images/sec, the eye does not notice that it is looking at discrete images. All video systems exploit this principle to produce moving pictures. view more..
Ans: Let us now move on to network applications. Our first case is streaming media that is already stored in files. The most common example of this is watching videos over the Internet view more..
Ans: It is not only recorded videos that are tremendously popular on the Web. Live media streaming is very popular too. Once it became possible to stream audio and video over the Internet, commercial radio and TV stations got the idea of broadcasting their content over the Internet as well as over the air. view more..
Ans: Once upon a time, voice calls were carried over the public switched telephone network, and network traffic was primarily voice traffic, with a little bit of data traffic here and there. Then came the Internet, and the Web. view more..
Ans: he Internet used to be all about communication, like the telephone network. Early on, academics would communicate with remote machines, logging in over the network to perform tasks. People have used email to communicate with each other for a long time, and now use video and voice over IP as well. view more..
Ans: The Web designs that we have seen so far have a single server machine talking to multiple client machines. To build large Web sites that perform well, we can speed up processing on either the server side or the client side. On the server side, more powerful Web servers can be built with a server farm, in which a cluster of computers acts as a single server. view more..
Ans: Server farms and Web proxies help to build large sites and to improve Web performance, but they are not sufficient for truly popular Web sites that must serve content on a global scale. For these sites, a different approach is needed. view more..
Ans: Not everyone can set up a 1000-node CDN at locations around the world to distribute their content. (Actually, it is not hard to rent 1000 virtual machines around the globe because of the well-developed and competitive hosting industry. view more..
Ans: For the first few decades of their existence, computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending email and by corporate employees for sharing printers. Under these conditions, security did not get a lot of attention. view more..
Ans: In a substitution cipher, each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letter or group of letters to disguise it. One of the oldest known ciphers is the Caesar cipher, attributed to Julius Caesar. view more..
Ans: Modern cryptography uses the same basic ideas as traditional cryptography (transposition and substitution), but its emphasis is different. Traditionally, cryptographers have used simple algorithms. view more..

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