ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

Scatter Plots are similar to line graphs which are usually used for plotting. The scatter plots show how much one variable is related to another. The relationship between variables is called as correlation which is usually used in statistical methods. We will use the same dataset called “Iris” which includes a lot of variation between each variable. This is famous dataset which gives measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width with petal length and width for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are called Iris setosa, versicolor and virginica.

Creating Basic Scatter Plot

Following steps are involved for creating scatter plots with “ggplot2” package −

For creating a basic scatter plot following command is executed −

> # Basic Scatter Plot
> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length)) +
+    geom_point()

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

Adding attributes

We can change the shape of points with a property called shape in geom_point() function.

> # Change the shape of points
> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length)) +
+    geom_point(shape=1)

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

We can add color to the points which is added in the required scatter plots.

> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, colour=Species)) +
+    geom_point(shape=1)

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

In this example, we have created colors as per species which are mentioned in legends. The three species are uniquely distinguished in the mentioned plot.

Now we will focus on establishing relationship between the variables.

> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, colour=Species)) +
+    geom_point(shape=1) +
+    geom_smooth(method=lm)

geom_smooth function aids the pattern of overlapping and creating the pattern of required variables.

The attribute method “lm” mentions the regression line which needs to be developed.

> # Add a regression line
> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, colour=Species)) +
+    geom_point(shape=1) +
+    geom_smooth(method=lm)

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

We can also add a regression line with no shaded confidence region with below mentioned syntax −

># Add a regression line but no shaded confidence region
> ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, colour=Species)) +
+    geom_point(shape=1) +
+    geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE)

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

Shaded regions represent things other than confidence regions.

Jitter Plots

Jitter plots include special effects with which scattered plots can be depicted. Jitter is nothing but a random value that is assigned to dots to separate them as mentioned below −

> ggplot(mpg, aes(cyl, hwy)) +
+    geom_point() +
+    geom_jitter(aes(colour = class))

ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: ggplot2 - Working with Legends view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Working with Axes view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Default Plot in R view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Scatter Plots & Jitter Plots view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Bar Plots & Histograms view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Pie Charts view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Marginal Plots view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Bubble Plots & Count Charts view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Diverging Charts view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Themes view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Multi Panel Plots view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Multiple Plots view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Background Colors view more..
Ans: ggplot2 - Time Series view more..

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