Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing offers such smartphones that have rich Internet media support, require less processing and consume less power. In terms of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), processing is done in cloud, data is stored in cloud, and the mobile devices serve as media for display.

Today smartphones are employed with rich cloud services by integrating applications that consume web services. These web services are deployed in cloud.

There are several Smartphone operating systems available such as Google's Android, Apple's iOS, RIM BlackBerry, Symbian, and Windows Mobile Phone. Each of these platforms support third-party applications that are deployed in cloud.


MCC includes four types of cloud resources:

  • Distant mobile cloud
  • Distant immobile cloud
  • Proximate mobile computing entities
  • Proximate immobile computing entities
  • Hybrid

The following diagram shows the framework for mobile cloud computing architecture:

Mobile Cloud Computing


Despite of having significant development in field of mobile cloud computing, still many issues remain unsorted such as:

Emergency Efficient Transmission

There should be a frequent transmission of information between cloud and the mobile devices.

Architectural Issues

Mobile cloud computing is required to make architectural neutral because of heterogeneous environment.

Live VM Migration

It is challenging to migrate an application, which is resource-intensive to cloud and to execute it via Virtual Machine.

Mobile Communication Congestion

Due to continuous increase in demand for mobile cloud services, the workload to enable smooth communication between cloud and mobile devices has been increased.

Security and Privacy

This is one of the major issues because mobile users share their personal information over the cloud.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ans: Cloud Computing Providers view more..
Ans: Cloud Computing Applications view more..
Ans: Mobile Cloud Computing view more..

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