Modern Symmetric Key Encryption

Modern Symmetric Key Encryption

Digital data is represented in strings of binary digits (bits) unlike alphabets. Modern cryptosystems need to process this binary strings to convert in to another binary string. Based on how these binary strings are processed, a symmetric encryption schemes can be classified in to −

Block Ciphers

In this scheme, the plain binary text is processed in blocks (groups) of bits at a time; i.e. a block of plaintext bits is selected, a series of operations is performed on this block to generate a block of ciphertext bits. The number of bits in a block is fixed. For example, the schemes DES and AES have block sizes of 64 and 128, respectively.

Stream Ciphers

In this scheme, the plaintext is processed one bit at a time i.e. one bit of plaintext is taken, and a series of operations is performed on it to generate one bit of ciphertext. Technically, stream ciphers are block ciphers with a block size of one bit.

Modern Symmetric Key Encryption

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Traditional Ciphers view more..
Ans: Attacks On Cryptosystems view more..
Ans: Cryptosystems view more..
Ans: Modern Symmetric Key Encryption view more..
Ans: Block Cipher view more..
Ans: Feistel Block Cipher view more..
Ans: Data Encryption Standard view more..
Ans: Triple DES view more..
Ans: Advanced Encryption Standard view more..
Ans: Block Cipher Modes of Operation view more..
Ans: Public Key Encryption view more..
Ans: Data Integrity in Cryptography view more..
Ans: Cryptography Hash functions view more..
Ans: Message Authentication view more..
Ans: Cryptography Digital signatures view more..
Ans: Public Key Infrastructure view more..
Ans: Cryptography Benefits & Drawbacks view more..

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